Thursday, August 5, 2010


Why when people walking on elevated platform, posing and walking, walking and posing are called cat walk? Perhaps the way felines walked are elegant? And that humans idenify this method of walking as classy and stylish. Just curious about the name.

Recently, I've attended an events & shows training. They taught us about how to introduce oneself when casting, how to pose and of course the catwalk.

Initially, it's kind of hilarious when everyone looked themselves at the mirror and pose according to the instructor advise. Next would be one by one, we have had to go up, stare at the mirror and introduce ourself.

I felt rather embarrased the first time but towards the second try it's nothing but confidence. Because what one got to do is just be composed and talk. Won't hurt anyway. Haha.

Next is the catwalk, oh this segment is especially fun. There was the music and the techniques. Everyone just laughed it off when either of us did something wrong, like walked too fast or posed in a wrong fashion.

And yet again something learnt to bring back home.

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