Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Messy Kitchen 1

1. Sauteed Vegetables (Carrots & Celeries)

2. Charboiled Chicken

3. Sweet Potatoes

Before cooking, what I usually
do is, I will surf the net and look up any feasible recipes online.
With the help of the internet, almost anything is possible to aid me in cooking.
I went to the supermarket and bought the ingredients which is the vegetables, chicken and sweet potatoes.

For the carrots, I usually choose the baby carrots because it has a sweeter taste compared to full grown carrots. Celeries wise, I would purchase the USA celery because it's crunchier.

For the chicken, I chose the chicken breast as they contain lesser amount of fats compared to thighs and wings.

And I just chance upon the sweet potatoes and decide to try something with it, out of curiosity.

Next, let's head back to the kitchen. So what I'm gonna do is to wash all the main ingredients that I've bought. This is very important to keep the hygiene of the food up to standard else you risk of food poisoning.

Afterwhich, I'll cut the carrots and celeries. The first time I try cutting it was pretty tedious. Then I found out that instead of the edge of the knife, it's easier to cut using the end of the knife, which is nearer to the handler.
It's better to sharpen the knife for easy handling when cutting. Always remember "Don't cut the knife towards yourself and you will never get cut alright"

To slice the vegetables better, I supposed you have to practice many many times to really master the skills of cutting. For the chicken breast, personally I find it hard to slice the chicken because the meat itself is soft, so it's hard to cut. I suggest to cook the chicken first then cut it, it will be much easier.

For the sweet potatoes, on the net it says to bake just like how we bake potatoes. Initially I thought I have an oven at home but it turn out to be a TOASTER as mentioned by Jun Hui. HAHA! I didn't know until today.
So this is the 'Oven' I used to bake the potatoes
Putting the sweet potatoes aside, I will cook the chicken.
Basically the oil I used is Olive oil as it has more benefits compared to normal cooking oil
as it cut the risk of cancer, reduces heart disease etc and its said to
help keep a lower body weight.
So practically it's a healthier choice.

I do not have pictures to show the frying because my hands are
busy cooking.

Basically what I do is

1) Add 2 pinch of salt to the chicken depending on the size and
if you want to eat healthily maybe you add less salt

2) Put around 1/4 tablespoon of soy sauce and marinate the chicken.

3) Add the chicken to the heated pan and stir-fry till roasted.
Roasted is you can see the chicken turning brown at some parts.
Or you can taste the chicken.

After the chicken is done, I will stir fry the vegetables.

1) Sprinkle some salt on the vegetables

2) Add the vegetables to the pan

3) Add 1/4 teaspoon of chicken stock

4) Add some water to prevent the vegetables from getting burnt.

And by the time, the sweet potatoes are done.
At the end of it just put everything nicely on a plate.
I prefer to decorate my food because I believe before your mouth taste the food,
the appearance needs to be tantalizing.

And there you go, Sweet potatoes with Charboiled chicken and Sauteed Vegetables!

ps: this post took me 4 hours to complete including editing photos. It's rather tedious.
Hope I can persevere to more upcoming post of MK.

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